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El Barco

El Barco

En el barco

Originally uploaded by D-.

Victoria climbs out of the rickety boat in which we crossed the Rio San Juan. The river cuts through the edge of town, and the only bridge is a good ways off. It can usually be waded — but the water levels and tides vary, and waders may end up pretty well soaked.… Read the rest

New Books!

New Books!

New Books!

Originally uploaded by D-.

Students who have benefited from educational programming sponsored by the Fundacion A. Jean Brugger helped present the library with a collection of new children’s books purchased by the foundation. The books were purchased in Barcelona and brought back to San Juan by a returning traveler.… Read the rest




Originally uploaded by D-.

One of the many new animals we’ve gotten to know since we got here. Despite the fact that they’re only a few inches across (at most), these colorful crabs put on a good show of waving their arms and snapping their pinchers whenever approached.… Read the rest

El primer dia en la biblioteca

El primer dia en la biblioteca

Yesterday was our first full day in Nicaragua, and it was definitely a full day. After leaving Universal Cyber, I walked around town some more. The town was bustling – on the beach I saw an intense soccer game, three guys working on the bottom of a beached boat, and some kids amusing themselves by throwing bait up in the air and watching the pelicans swoop down to catch it.… Read the rest