Inauguration of the new lending library at Chinandega.… Read the rest
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Author: dwiggins
On driving in Nicaragua
Since we’ve been traveling around the country over the last few days, we’ve had plenty of opportunities to observe Nicaraguans on the road. Everyone knows the road hazards in Boston: few street signs, snow and ice, massive traffic jams, the occasional two ton big dig ceiling panel.… Read the rest
Montamos en caballo
Victoria and I atop our horses during our horseback riding trip near San Juan del Sur, Wednesday, August 16, 2006.… Read the rest
Los talleres
Thursday was the day of our ANIBIPA (Nicaraguan national library association) workshops in Managua. We were looking forward to this, if only to have them out of the way. But it was a worthwhile experience in many ways.
We worked all day the day before on our presentations, and worked most of the night as well.… Read the rest
La primera vez en la biblioteca movil
Yesterday was our first time out on a bookmobile run with the Biblioteca Movil. More on this later, but it was a fascinating and rewarding experience — both for us and for students at the three schools we visited in the countryside.… Read the rest
Electricity is taken for granted in the U.S., but in Nicaragua blackouts are becoming a daily fact of life. The power utility claims that the outages are being caused by “a deficit in energy production, resulting from technical faults in one of the electricity generating plants.”… Read the rest