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Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

6 June 2007 ? Wednesday

Well, finals have begun and the campus has gone quiet. We have killed thousands of trees with all the printing going on in the library and the computer lab ? ?for free? printing brings with it lots of waste, which is too bad but inevitable and for the moment not changeable here.… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

2 June 2007 ? Saturday

I?m back in Kuwait now, first day of work in a couple of weeks. The place is nuttier than usual ? people way too hyped up. Perhaps it is end-of-year craziness ? let?s hope so. Finals officially begin Monday and students are scurrying around to get work done ?… Read the rest

Harvey’s Diary

Harvey’s Diary

2 May 2007 ? Wednesday

Dinner last night was at Baalbek, a Lebanese restaurant (now there is a surprise) very close to AUK ? 5 minute walk. Michael Herb, a faculty member at GA State in Atlanta and here on a semester Fulbright, gave a talk at 5pm on ?Democratization… Read the rest