
While I was at SAA last week, David Dwiggins and I discussed posting to this blog, and I’m happy to submit some thoughts as a guest blogger. Due to spotty internet access in DC, I saved my posting for the return to Boston. For the sake of organization (and just to confuse everyone, really), I’m going to backdate some of these posts so that they fall with the rest of David’s SAA posts.

A few words about me: I’m a GSLIS student, archives concentrator, and I started the program last fall. While I had some archives experience before coming to Simmons, I have gained a lot from both the internships and from the coursework, and I am really excited by the idea of joining the profession soon. I currently work part-time in the textual processing unit for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, and I am the president of the Simmons student chapter of SAA (SCOSAA).

Because SCOSAA was selected for a graduate student poster presentation at the conference, I spent some time organizing the content and gathering photos of students and faculty for the display. The poster was large (28 x 44), and because it needed to be printed on a plotter, presented some difficulties. I definitely had an adventure during my grand tours of Boston and DC Kinkos stores– but it all worked out. I’ll post the finished product here, as well as in the GSLIS lounge if possible.

Our presentation slot was on Thursday evening, and many people stopped by to comment and ask questions about Simmons and the student group, including several prospective students. During that same time period, recent Simmons graduate Krista Ferrante presented her own poster session on Digital Object Identifiers, which was extremely interesting. She had quite a crowd, and Richard Pearce Moses (SAA President) even stopped by to talk with her!