This is Rashid, Falah, from the Iraqi group that participated in the training sponsored by Simmons College, which was held in Amman and UAE. I am now a student in PhD program in GSLIS at Simmons College (with my colleague Abdul lateef). Hello for all.

I am happy for the participation of friends and colleagues by writing my thoughts to you? In fact, I?d like to thank Mr. Harvey Varnet very much for encouraging me today to the need to join with you in my thoughts. This is a pleasure for me and strengthens the resolve to strive to provide a pleasant response to Simmons College and the college staff.

After the trouble of travel and access recently in Boston airport, we found in reception at the airport the Dean Michele and her husband Mr. Sid. That made us feel really that we are between good friends and parents.
And, we forgot all the troubles that we have had to face in our country & in the journey, even at times the sad farewells to friends and family. I also would like to thank and express great appreciation for the efforts of great people such as : Michele Cloonan, Harvey Varnet, Melissa Stevenson, Caryn Anderson, Candy Schwartz, Sheila Murphy, Valerie Foster & Meaghan O’Connor, & for all other people who have been so helpful to us in getting to Boston and Simmons College.

Falah D. Rashid