Time flies when you are having fun? or not! I am now in my last month here, with three weeks left of work ? seems odd some how ? not good, not bad, just odd.

Yesterday was a pleasant day. Ray & Dina, John & Frances and I went to the island of Falaika, about 10 km off the coast, an hour boat ride. The weather yesterday was perfect ? 70s F, very light breezes. Falaika is an island on which have been found Greek ruins, so it has a long history. On the ?history of Kuwait? in maps it is the first place identified in this area. Now, the island is pretty much uninhabited, post the Iraqi invasion of 1990. The Iraqis cleared the island of Kuwaitis, made it a military post and then, when run out of Kuwait, pretty much destroyed everything they could. The houses etc. are still left ?as is,? in ruins ? a very spooky feeling, to be sure. Our day pleasant, though, as there is a small ?heritage village? and then one can take a ride around the island and see an ancient burial site and a camel farm.