5 August 2007 ? Sunday

Wow, it is quiet on campus ? there are very few faculty around and very few students. The 2nd summer session ends in a couple of weeks. All three of my colleagues are out, either on leave or at a conference, so work is me and two student assistants.

There is a snag with the Iraqi training program that is supposed to happen the first week of September. For some reason, Kuwait has ?closed? visas for Iraqis ? none being issued at the moment, and of course no explanation as to why (though one can surmise many reasons for this) and no idea if/when they?ll ?open? again. This could mean cancelling the program, which would be too bad. I did talk to an Embassy person in Baghdad today, and there remains the possibility of doing the program later. One can only hope ? ?inshallah? the word of the day!