On Monday, the bulk of our GSLIS troupe made our way to Pont Neuf, a beautiful little island in the middle of the Seine, just past the Louvre. The purpose of our visit was to see the wonders of that world renowned cathedral, Notre Dame.


 Gerry Benoit was our helpful guide on this venture–we learned the stories of the saints intricately carved into the stone wall surface as well as of the additions and “improvements” that had been made over the years and how these alterations reflected the human history of the Cathedral.

Poor Saint Denis!

Poor Saint Denis!

The religious narrative of the Cathedral coupled with some of the more unique artistic choices (goblins, gargoyles, and farm animals) left us studying its exterior the whole time we were in line (only 20 minutes and free entry to boot!).


Not only was the Cathedral itself gorgeous, but the gardens and surrounding grounds could occupy one fully for hours.


Once inside, Gerry let us each go our own way to appreciate the Cathedral. While we each gravitated towards different features, all of us were stunned by the Rose Window, one of the original, unaltered designs. Alas, the camera simply cannot do it justice.

The Rose Window

The Rose Window

Here are some other glories of the Notre Dame, both inside and outside:








After we had made our way back to the beginning, some of us stayed within, sitting on the pews, enjoying the sublimity of the place.

Ah . . .