
Today is officially my first day of work. I have been settling down here in Taipei. My faculty dorm is on Wenzhou street which is about 20 minutes walk from my office. Very nice living area. The weather here has been truly hot but in the early morning and evening it is bearable.

My office space is nice, and I think I will use my office as the usability lab space. I am equipped with two PCs with Morae installed on each. Very nice colleagues. Very helpful and friendly staff. Even in this hot weather, several faculty come in to work every day.

Below you will find several pictures depicting my working environment.

Until next time.


  • NTU campus near LIS department section

    NTU Campus
  • LIS Department Building
    lis dept
  • LIS Department very friendly and helpful staff: IChing and Yilin
    lis dept staff
  • LIS Department Library
    lis library1
    lis library2
  • My office
    Office far look
  • My colleague and friend, Professor Wenchin Lan Wenchin