It’s just after noon on Friday and the students are in their last day of class of Records Management. They have presentations this afternoon and a guest lecture about Records Management laws in Korea. And I’ll be going out shortly to buy a sweet potato cake to celebrate Simmons student Chris Carter’s last class. Nothing like finishing up your MLIS with a trip to Korea!

Yesterday we visited the National Library of Korea and the National Digital Library. Both a very impressive libraries and the National Digital Library really redefines the?traditional idea of what a library is. It has many of the same technologies available as the Samsung?library here at Yonsei:?touchscreens, intelligent tables, a plethora of online resources and computers, media labs, recording studios and more. There is a?hallway that connects the NDL and the NLK ?and they talk about how it connects the digital and analog worlds.

We got a great tour of the conservation labs as well as an introduction to the rare books collection at the NLK.

Link to pictures of the National Digital Library and the National Library of Korea:

And here’s a link pictures of what you’re all really interested in-the food!