It was a very busy day. New England was well represented at the Chapter Assembly, run by Harvard’s Beata Panagopoulos, Chapter Asssembly Director. Caryn Anderson was the voting NEASIST chapter member, and accepted the annual Chapter Event of the Year award on behalf of the chapter. Caryn also helped to run the New Member brunch later that morning. The brunch is always a great deal of fun, and this year was no exception. Again, New England members were prominent, no more so than when outgoing NEASIST chair Beatrice Pulliam drew a raffle number for a book, and it turned out to be our own Alison Cody, vice-chair of the Student Chapter. Not to mention Michael Leach, current ASIST president, being a Simmons adjunct faculty and one of our doctoral students.

I have to admit that I played hookey for most of the afternoon, and went to the annual Austin Celtic festival, and so I missed the plenary, and will have to leave that reporting to others. I got back in time for SIG Rush, where all the special interest groups send representatives to recruit new members (and there’s a cash bar and snacks). I ran into a bunch of students, and found that the Dean and most of the rest of the faculty have arrived by now.

For the last event of the day, I hosted the annual students-only party in the presidential suite (thanks Michael). We had cheap wine and chips and a great time. Thanks to Alison, Jennifer, Ellen, Brittany, Sheila, and Rong for helping me set up (we had an especially tough time with very poor corkscrews).

It’s 1:15 am, and that’s it for the day. flick updates will have to wait until tomorrow.