I’m Clare Davitt, the Fellow for Dean’s Initiatives at Simmons College in the Graduate School of Library and Information Science. ?On Thursday, July 28th I’ll be traveling to Seoul, South Korea with five other graduate students and two of our faculty. Dean Michele Cloonan and Adjunct Professor Kevin Glick will each?be teaching a course over our two week stay in Seoul at Yonsei University. Michele is teaching a course on Preservation Management and Kevin is teaching Records Management. Both courses will have students from Yonsei and Simmons participating.

I’ll be writing about our travels in Seoul and all the exciting things we’ll be doing. Right now I’m sitting in my office at Simmons and it’s awfully hard to imagine that by 5:30pm on Friday I’ll be in South Korea. It’s a 14 hour flight and we leave Thursday afternoon from NYC. When we return we’ll leave on Saturday, August 13 and land in Boston on the same day. I haven’t quite wrapped my mind around the way the travel time works. Today I was handed 1,000,000 won?by Michele (the South Korean currency which is about $978 USD). The won is a far prettier currency than the dollar and luckily a million won is not quite the stack it would be in dollars.

While we’re there we’ll be visiting the Hansung University Digital Library, the National Library of Korea, the National Assembly Library, the Seoul National University Library, the Mapo Lifelong Learning Center,?and the?Korean Folk Village. And those are just our scheduled visits! So many other places to see and food to eat. I’m very excited about the food. I just checked the weather and it’s 75 degrees Fahrenheit?with 89% humidity and major thunderstorms happening. Sounds like the weather should?be pretty interesting all around.

These postings will get more interesting in just a few days; check back in soon for updates from South Korea!