We were joined by the last of the GSLIS Paris 2014 troupe on Sunday with the arrival of Maddie and Jen! To celebrate the coming together of the group as a whole, Gerry and Jim, our fearlessĀ Professors and trip leaders, took as out for a splendid dinner at theĀ Pain Quotidien. No course was safe from us!

Gerry and I had a game of social media tag!

Gerry and I had a game of social media tag!

After a delectable meal featuring tartines, quiche, and summer fruit salads, we descended upon dessert. We ordered a selection and decided to split and share, much to the merriment of all!

Chocolate Pavlova, Caramel Tart, Lemon Tart, Chocolate Pavlova again, and French Brownie

Chocolate Pavlova, Caramel Tart, Lemon Tart, Chocolate Pavlova again, and French Brownie

No plate was left untouched.


Adventures to follow: “We had a sweet day in Paris” and “Notre Dame.” Stay tuned.