
It’s been a long time since I last updated my blog. Lots of interesting things happened. Here I am only going to blog on my trip to Montreal, ASIST conference and my brief stay at home.

The ASIST conference was very successful. I was busy with multiple things:

Below are two pictures from ASIST: one taken during my wrap up of SIG USE symposium, and the other was from the award banquet.

SIG USE Symposium Wrap Up:

Award Banquet
ASIST gathering

Then from Montreal I returned to Boston for a short stay at home. My usability kids (Liz Quigley, Lin Lin, Dan Zavala, Graham Herrli, and Jeremy Guillett, my former or current students from Simmons GSLIS) and I had a little gathering, we ate in a restaurant and then chatted a bit in my house.

Here are the pictures:

First is my lovely dog Bella waiting for her mommy at the airport (sorry I can’t help it to put Bella’s picture here as she was one of the main reasons I wanted to return home in this trip):
Bella waiting for mommy at the airport

Then the gathering:

It was such a great trip. But I got back to work almost immediately after I returned Taipei. And believe or not, work is as crazy busy as before, if not more. But I really love my work 🙂

Until next time!
