
I gave a presentation on usability research yesterday to the LIS faculty members here at NTU. It went very well and Professor Lin commented that it was “inspiring” to them. It was a great opportunity to demonstrate what a usability testing process might be and what a usability lab should be equipped with.

Below is some of the photos taken during and after the presentation:

  • Giving Presentation
    My Presentation

  • Me and attending NTU LIS faculty members
    After Presentation

Incidentally, I really liked the photo I took in August featuring a black swan on the drunken moon lake, so I put the image on the last slide of the presentation. I tend to look for him whenever I pass by the lake. Then on my way walking home yesterday, the swan was there and followed me on the water for a while. This morning when I came to work, the swan was there again. I call him “heihei” (English: blacky). He and I are becoming great friends. 🙂

Here is a couple of photos of him on the lake this morning:

blacky heihei

  • blacky
  • blacky heihei

My usability class site supervisors are finalized: five from the NTU Library and two from the Computer Center. It is such an interesting and exciting line up, and I hope the students will benefit tremendously from working with them.

Next week is the first week of class. Wish me a good class for both of my courses!
