It’s been a while since I updated the blog: I have been out for a short trip to Japan and returned yesterday.
On last Thursday (8/14), GSLIS Dean Emerita Michele Cloonan and her husband Sid Berger visited me here at NTU LIS department. The NTU Chair Professor Lin met with them and then we went to visit the NTU Library Rare Book and Special Collection Section. Ms. Shu-Fen Hung, the executive Officer of the Special Collections Department gave us the tour. It was a rather eye-opening experience and very educational to hear how the rare books have been preserved and stored to prevent worm bites and other damages to the books.
Below are some of the pictures taken during the LIS meeting and tour of library special collections:
Michele, Sid and Prof. Lin (LIS Dept Chair)
Front: Michele, Sid; Back: Rong, Wenchin, Prof. Lin
Tour of NTU Rare Book and Special Collections section
NTU Library: Wen-Chin, Michele, Sid, and Rong
NTU Library: Shu-Fen Huang and Sid
Also just so you know, Michele and I walked to the library in barefoot as it was pouring rain and we didn’t want our sandals get wet :).
And I had a great time visiting Japan — my brother’s family.
Until next time!