
Can’t believe it has been over a week since I started officially working here as a visiting professor. My faculty information page has been published on the Department’s website. And here are the links to its Chinese version and English version:

My work day routine is I get up and exercise at the National Taiwan Normal University Sports Field which is about 10 to 15 minutes from my apartment. After breakfast, I walk to my office (20 minutes walk). It’s a nice walk, and I pass a lake called Drunken Moon Lake. I normally work till 5:30 or so then walk back to the apartment. My apartment is in a very nice area, lots of eateries and goodies, not too far away from NTNU’s evening market.

Here is the view of NTNU field where I walk and do a little run (sometimes) in the morning:

NTNU field where I exercise in the morning

Here is the lake that I walk by everyday when I walk to work:

Drunken Moon Lake

Here is a unique sculpture in front of the one of the Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences Building.

ntu sculpture

Here is myself in the office:

Rong in Office

Have a good weekend!