So I apologize that these posts are no longer in precise chronological order (as an archives student, this drives me insane), but it is becoming almost impossible to keep up with all the various activities happening from day to day. I think even a Discovery channel film crew would find it difficult to keep up with this group of high energy travelers! We have been going 100% every day, all day long! It is exhausting, but so rewarding.

We have done a lot as a group, and a few things individually. One of our favorite group activities happened on Tuesday evening when we ventured over to Jamsil Stadium to catch an LG Twins game! We figured as Bostonians, we were obligated to check out the baseball culture in a city that is just as passionate about their sports teams as Boston. There are four professional baseball teams in Seoul, and two of them that share Jamsil Stadium: the LG Twins and the Doosan Bears. We were able to get cheap tickets (WAY cheaper than Fenway seats – about $9.00 a ticket) to see the Twins take on the Hanwha Eagles. We had no idea what we were in for when we entered Jamsil, and we were completely mind-blown by the level of enthusiasm and excitement for Korean baseball. To be honest, it puts Red Sox fan loyalty to shame. The fans don’t sit down at all and cheer and dance for the entire game. They have cheerleaders for both teams that lead songs and cheers when the teams go up to bat. I have included some videos so you get a general sense of how intense fan loyalty is here in Seoul. This experience was so incredible that we are looking into soccer matches for the weekend – you know how much Bostonians love sports 🙂 Check out some photos:

Korean beer in Olympic Park before the game – so excited!

Because Matt is a Yankees fan, naturally Jen & I had to surround him with our Sox attire!

Because Matt is a Yankees fan, naturally Jen & I had to surround him with our Sox attire!

Olympic Stadium at Jamsil

Olympic Stadium at Jamsil

Hmmm, how do we find these seats?

Hmmm, how do we find these seats?

Jen & Shana are ready for the game!

Jen & Shana are ready for the game!

Let’s do this!

The jumbo jumbotron - huge!

The jumbo jumbotron – huge!

Perfect Park

Perfect Park

The beer vendors wear keg backpacks. Why don't we have this in Fenway?!

The beer vendors wear keg backpacks. Why don’t we have this in Fenway?!

Shana gettin' rowdy - these things are wicked loud!

Shana gettin’ rowdy – these things are wicked loud!

We found hotdogs, I was kind of hoping that had kimchi on them but they didn’t. Mr. & Miss Potato makes them apparently.

Hot Dog & Beer, an American baseball staple.


Awesome Twins mascots

Awesome Twins mascots

Jamsil Stadium @ Night

Jamsil Stadium @ Night

The cheerleaders celebrate a homerun!

The cheerleaders celebrate a homerun!

The whole group - satisfied with our amazing evening and celebrating a Twins victory!

The whole group – satisfied with our amazing evening and celebrating a Twins victory!


Twins win! Shaking hands at the end!

The entire evening was one we will never forget. My favorite part was not understanding ANY of the cheers but figuring out that one of their chants was to the tune of “It’s a Small World After All!” which seemed very appropriate. From Boston to Seoul, we all love baseball!