South Korea

Hello all, my name is Andrea Cronin.? Along with four other GSLIS students, Dean Cloonan, Professor Kevin Glick, and Dean’s fellow Clare Davitt, we are about to embark on a journey to South Korea! As GSLIS ambassadors to Yonsei University, my fellow classmates and I have the wonderful opportunity to learn about library and archive systems in South Korea as well as take two courses: LIS 439 Preservation Management with Dean Cloonan, and LIS 456 Records in Electronic Environments with Professor Glick. We will be in Seoul, South Korea from July 29th – August 13th. It is?going to be a whirlwind tour of the country and these courses,?but it is definitely going to be an amazing adventure.

Andrea Cronin

Let me tell you a little bit about myself, since I plan on blogging for a better part of the trip. ?I’m a GSLIS student in my fourth semester, concentrating in archives. I attended the George Washington University in Washington, D.C. where I recieved my bachelor’s degree in history in January, 2010.? I focused on Russian history, taking courses involving Russian history, culture and film as well as its neighboring countries – the history of Japan, Scandinavia, and Central Asia. I studied abroad my senior year of high school in Fujisawa, Japan. My Japanese is still passable, but Korean is literally?foreign language and writing system to me. It will be interesting to?see how the written language affects information organization in South Korea. In no particular order, I’m a huge fan of: BBQ, gardening, fishing, history, feminism, hockey (GO BRUINS!), Transformers, Rutina Wesley, Billy Lush and more BBQ. I’m seriously looking forward to some Korean BBQ! Yum!

The past few days I’ve been staying up packing my suitcase and trying to figure out everything I need before we leave tomorrow. Wish me luck! Expect lots of food photographs!?