
This is the?story of establishing a library in a primary school south of Iraq in a?village named Alumayahh. It started when I met my cousin, she works as a teacher before 9 months in a?primary school.

I asked? her ?if the school contained a?library for children, and she said “oh, my, you want a library for them while we haven?t even a good place for to teach them. The school is only 7 rooms, one for the head and all teachers and another 6 is for classes from 1st class till 6th class.”


I asked her if it’s okay to visit the school and establish a library for them? She said why not – it will be wonderful to do. I will tell the school head and you can come.

In our department, I told all our students about this plan and also my colleagues. All of them were eager to help, so we started to collect the collection for this library. Many students contributed story and drawing books and also color pens.?? I give the school the date for my visit,?which was at 20th April. My student & colleagues were hoping to?go with me, but there is no hotel for them to stay because ?the school is in a small distant village. Maysan is a city in the south of Iraq, 4 hours from Baghdad by car. Ali Al-Gharbi is a province(constituency) next to Maysan ?.the village name is Alumayahh, and the school name is Al Batthaa. I needed 3 hours?drive to reach Ali Al-Gharbi, where I spent my night in my uncle’s?home.library_supplies

I woke up?early at 20th with my cousin to start our way to the village. A car comes to pick up teachers so I was with them, then after 15 minutes drive we reached a place close to Tigris river.? We?left the car and started to cross the river by canoe – there was 2 canoes?and we crossed the river?with 4 in each canoe. Our ?canoe was heavy because it held the story books?as well as?us. When we reached the the next bank, we walked about 10 minutes to reach the school. It was amazing to see all the children waiting and?wanting to see the new visitor from Baghdad. They come running to say good morning for the teachers and for me. They were so cute children with simple wear. Usually, in Baghdad, all students wear same formal wear in school, but this seemed hard to do in this small village where families who live there are farmers and fishermen -?usually they have sheep & cows also chickens ?life is different for them, and nice from those ?families to send children to school because?they almost need them to help at work.

thingsI entered the classes and I talked to them about a library and how much it is important to read something more than school teach us. Books is a new world help us discover the world around us. The surprise was, almost all of them didn?t have any book story in life, so they were very happy and excited to see all these books?. I read a story for 1st class – they were?happy and me, too.? I also heard from them some stories they know from grandmothers. They started out?shy but then we became friends . When I entered the 3rd class, the children there?are 8 years old.?They were having an?English lesson, and they welcomed me in English words.? I found them so good and active with their teacher. I asked them some questions and they were understanding and answered in English.

adultsWhile there is no room for this library, we decided to put it in the head’s room and allow them to borrow it.? A new school will be finished?in 6 months. The?farmers?contributed the?area from their farm to build a new school and the ministry will pay for building. I give a gift to each one who had a good degree in lessons (it was colors and coloring book also a storybook) to help them improve and be better.? Almost of them walk 2 kilometers to reach school, and he /she when back at home must help at?home with chores – a?farmers life is not easy. When I entered the?4th class,?the lesson was about the important of a clean body and how much it’s important for health. We loaned??all of them a story to read and to bring it back?the next day to get another one. At the rest time, teachers played football with 6th class students?- it was so nice to see them give time to play with them to be closer .

kids_outsideAt the end of school time, when I said bye to children, they asked me to come again next day. I said yes will do?so I stayed one more day with them. On?the next day, 21 April, I asked them about what they read?? I felt the happiness in their eyes that made my heart glow with ?love for them. When the 2nd day ended, I said bye?to the?children and promised to come back next year when the new school is finished and will hold so many storybooks and I will bring with me?many gifts for?those make his/her degree more better. I am proud of those children and appreciate what their teachers? do for them.??Teaching is a message to touch the heart – then you can touch the brain easy?.. as I think they do. My hope is to some day see a library in all primary schools in Iraq. Thanks to my colleagues & my students in helping me to establish this small library.

Till next blog?.good luck for everybody
