We spent 2 days vacation, the 6th Saturday & 7th Sunday very busy between working hard to finish our projects and trying to finish shopping for family.

Also, while we feel this is the last week for us to be together, we spent a lot of time working in computer room and downloading our photos and exchanging them ? sometime we kept chatting and drinking tea & coffee till 3 or 4 am.

At Monday 8th we went to class as usual and at 9:30 we found books in lib & info sci for us to buy. The institute give us 1000 Rupies to buy books. They also gave another 1 thousand Rupies to print and bind our project and to also buy a removable disk.

Then Dr. Ravi checked our projects before printing and gave us some notes to do – some of us was have problems in English language so we helped them in their projects.

8th Dec. was the 1st day feast (Eid) for Muslims. We called our family for congratulations, then we kept busy.

Tuesday 9th Dec. it was vacation in India for Muslim Eid, so we used it to go outside for lunch, then shopping and then print our projects.

Wednesday 10th Dec. we took a photo of all the group with the coordinator close to the name of institute INTTTR, then went to class for project presentations.

Thursday 11th Dec. it was the last day for us, and we went to get our certificates.

It was a wonderful day. At this time I felt happy & sad at the same time, happy that we will be back home soon and we get certificate from (INTTTR), and sad that we leave nice people we know in India and our new friends from many countries.

The head of the institute and our coordinator give a speech first, then they allowed us to say what we want to say about this training program. 1st we nominate Joseph from Uganda to speak specially his English language is excellent. Then Yugni from Fiji Island talked briefly, then I did my speech. I thanked the institute & our coordinator and said that I found this training program very interesting for me as a teacher also as specialist in library & information science.

We next went for special good food for this day, and the insitiute head & our teachers shared lunch with us, and we kept take photos for remembering these days.

At evening, some of us start arranging our luggage to travel the next day?. Friday 12th Dec. it was so nice day and I used each minute in this day. I woke early, went for shopping and then to the beach (I do love going to the beach). Me & Anamn and Bahia from Palestine spent nice time there. Then we back to say bye for Joseph & Nasta, as they are the first to leave, going back home Uganda (they left at 2:30 pm). When the car came to take them to the airport, everybody was sad and crying to say bye for them ? it was a hard moment.

Later, I went back for more shopping. I bought gifts so that we will celebrate Yugni (from Fiji) & DV (from Mauritius) & Mobarak (form Uzbakistan) birthdays. We also collected money from all to buy gifts (shirts & t-shirts, and chicken for food)) for all the men that work in the guest house – they did their best for us and they deserve more but it is simple thing to say thank you! We did a wonderful celebration everybody dance – I loved how the Indian men danced. After 10.30 pm, another group must leave .. our best friend Bahia & Reem from Palestine – it was so sad moment – we do know how hard it is to meet again. When the car came to take them the tears become more & more, so while the car try to go I asked the driver if I can go with them to airport then back with u .. he said yes.. So I jumped into the car as did my friend Anaam and young men works in the kitchen to help in holding bags. When we came back after midnight we were tired & sad but we started to arrange our luggage to be ready for leaving tomorrow night Saturday 13th December.

Dr. Ravi gave up his weekend so he came and spent the day with us and our other friends that had not traveled yet. At evening he said bye with all kind feeling he have.

Then me & Aram went for city center (big mall) to say bye for my Indian friends Ajas & Laura – they have bazaar (alla al din bazaar) that sells silver, so I did the last silver shopping from them.

When back at our guset house, me & Annam did the last prepare for luggage and drank tea – we felt we could not eat dinner because we were sad & worried as we will leave in the next 2 hours.

I knocked on all my friends doors to say bye for my them and I gave them small things for remembering and they did the same..

Tears say more than words can say, when car come to take me & Anaam everybody was ready to come with us to airport. It was a wonderful sad & happy moment in my life as I felt their love ? also men working in the kitchen came too. I didn?t forget to take photos in this moment – it was the last photo.

The time was slow at the airport, and when the plane took off I said inside “bye Chennai, bye nice Indian people, thanks for wonderful time and sharing sad with happy feeling.”

I will write more about this wonderful experience in my next last blog about India.

Thanks for reading my blog?.
