This post is from Thana, an Iraqi colleague who has shared in several training programs run by Simmons. She is currently in Chennai (formerly called Madras), India on a six-week training program. She writes:

Saturday morning November 8th after breakfast we went for shopping at the Saravana store. It is 7 floors with 1 ground & 1 underground and an excellent place for shopping. Everything is there. If you plan to spend 4 thousand rupis, you will spend 8 thousand!!!! As my friend Yogani (from Fiji ) said, India is the place for shopping till you lay down.

Sunday morning November 9th we had a trip. The bus was ready at 8:30 am, early for us. The first stop, after one hour of driving, was in a park. It?s a place for huge number of crocodiles & snakes. For me, it is the first time to see a crocodile. Some people even tried to put a snake on our necks – Dr Ravi did this with his son.

After snakes and crocodiles, we continued our trip to visit some temples. The first one was a cave temple. After lunch, we went to another temple named Mahabalipuram, then on to the third one – a Shore temple. All of them are close to each other, and it was amazing to see all of that in the same day.

After that, we went to the beach. Ohhh, it is the favorite place for me, the Indian Ocean. While we were tired from this long tour, we had a fun time together. Before sunset, we left the beach. I was hoping to stay more time?..but…

I am lucky to have chance visiting India.

Yours, Thana