This post is from Thana, an Iraqi colleague who has shared in several training programs run by Simmons. She is currently in Chennai (formerly called Madras), India on a six-week training program. She writes:

Today was so busy – a rainy day for us. We started the day with a lecture on library management in digital environment. Dr. Ravei. gave the lecture, and he focused on automation & digitization. He also talked about SWOT analysis. In addition, we covered digital resources, preservation, library security (RFID, security gates, CCTV, and fire alarms).

We then divided into groups to discus our experience in managing our libraries.

At evening, we went to visit the main library at Madras University. It’s a library that deserves a visit – and we showed our respect to people who works there.

They use colon classification that was done by Ranganathan. They have many e-resources and also books, theses, journals and magazines. The plan was also to visit the Lib.& Info. Sci. Department ?but heavy rain made the director put off the plan.

On our way back, the traffic was bad as the roads were almost filled of water. Everybody in streets was hold his / her umbrella and some of them didn’t have one, so they got very wet. I saw a beautiful young lady riding a motorcycle. It is exciting, women here are so brave. The life here is hard here but with all this you can find Indian people nice & friendly.