This post is from Thana, an Iraqi colleague who has shared in several training programs run by Simmons. She is currently in Chennai (formerly called Madras), India on a six-week training program. She writes:

It is rainy today, but that seems usual here to rain heavily. Our lecture today will be on library automation problems in academic libraries – present status & requirements.

Dr. Ravichandran elucidated for us, and it was interesting to discuss so many points in many countries.

At evening lecture time Dr. Ravi. explained to us that we need to do a project, so we started to suggest our plans and what we want to do, which subject will we choose. For some of us, his/her English language is not good enough to do a project. We will help each other.

Thursday morning our lecture was – Computer: it applications in self instructional materials. The lecturer was Dr. T.G.Sambanthan, head of the computer center. He focused on its impact in technical education. He also talked about computer enabled instructions (SIM) and multimedia.

He was so active a teacher, and he kept trying to get the feed back directly – he waked all sleepy students in class. I found this lecture was so interesting and his English speaking was very clear to understand.

On my way back to rest, I found a sign (billboard) written on it this statement:

“Whoever has a taste for reading good books is able to bear loneliness in any place with great ease.” Mahatma Gandhi

Till next blog ?best for everybody
