This post is from Thana, an Iraqi colleague who has shared in several training programs run by Simmons. She is currently in Chennai (formerly called Madras), India on a six-week training program. She writes:

The training program seems to start today. Everyone was in class at 9:30 am. Dr Ravnchandran told us yesterday to prepare something about our country – its culture, education, and anything we can say about our countries, so I did and so did my colleagues in the training group. We enjoyed the time listening to each other.

Then we spent one and a half hours at lunch, and then back for a lecture by Dr. A. Amudhavalli, a professor & head of the Madras University Library & Info. Science Department.

The lecture was about library science in India ?.and also about what librarians do to serve users.

I enjoyed this lecture a lot, and I said inside now the program starts to be useful for me. I loved her way in teaching and her way to feel the feed back from others. At the end of her lecture, everyone clapped for her and I told her she is an excellent teacher.

We will meet her again when all the group will visit the Lib. & Info. Sci. Department next Friday. I asked her to prepare something for me so that I have an idea about curricula in India.

At the end of her lecture I loved the statement she said: be proud of yourself that you work as a librarian, if you do not respect your work how can the others?

Till next diary ?.. accept my regards,


I want you to know the countries where all of us come from, so I have made a list. The training group now is:

1 from Lesotho
1 from Nigeria
1 from Mauritius
1 from Fijian Island
2 from Uzbekistan
1 from Afghanistan
2 from Zambia
6 from Myanmar
2 from Uganda
1 from Sudan
2 from Uganda
2 from Palestine
1 from Ethiopia