This post is from Thana, an Iraqi colleague who has shared in several training programs run by Simmons. She is currently in Chennai (formerly called Madras), India on a six-week training program. She writes:

Hi again from India,

Yesterday a librarian group (6) come from Myanmar?..and (3) from Zambia..and (1) from Fiji and (1) from Sudan and also (2) from Palestine.

I met them at morning, we said Hello to each other ?and we all share the same feeling about this place. When we meet Dr. Ravchandran who is responsible on this training program, he told us we are waiting for more librarians to join us.

I asked Sanker, the man who works here, to lead me to a super market to buy some food. He told me go to City center ?it is a big mall. Anaam and I went together and spent nice time shopping and watching the new place – it is nice, full of life and people.

Going to the mall and back to the institute is not easy, but I do my best to know the way. No taxis available on the street. People usually use a motorcycle and cover it like carriage and name it Tarto. I enjoyed the ride and find it a new experience.

Till next blog, hope for everybody a nice time…
