Yin, Yang, Boomerang!!

What?s that, you say? That is me, beginning the ?processing out? process here in marvelously-undecipherable Kuwait. AUK has its own mini-bureaucracy ? had to get each department head to sign-off that I wasn?t absconding with anything the university owns, including my desk (desk?), library books (and no, I didn?t sign for myself ? was tempted to but?). This morning, I was escorted to an office in Kuwait City where my sole task was to tell the Labor Ministry official that ?all was okay, no problems? with processing out ? 5 seconds, tops. It seems there are many problems here, and this guy?s job is to ask just that ? one wonders what happens if you say ?yes? and there?s a kafuffle? do you have to stay? Eeek!! Now, my residency visa will be cancelled and my Civil ID returned. I am on the road to exit-ville?

The past few days have been relatively quiet. Only one trip to Electricity Ministry to get my deposit back ? a miracle (took 3 trips to get them to take the deposit in the first place). I am getting lots of ?warm fuzzies? from people on campus ? nice to be acknowledged as a kindred spirit. I also dropped by the bank to deposit my ?exit check? ? you don?t think I do this for fun, do you? NBK is an excellent bank ? remarkably efficient, as one would expect and hope for in a country gushing with money from oil !!