8 a.m.: Bumping along towards the 18th when things come to a halt here for winter break. The university will close, as the 3-day Eid at the end of the Hajj month and the Christmas holidays converge together this year. Most folks are bugging out ? they get 19 free days, a real bonus. T (who arrives here the 12th) and I will be staying put until we depart on 2 January. I?ve begun the phasing out process ? as much bureaucracy to get out as to get in! And, our social schedule once T arrives will be jam-packed until the 20th ? ?we must get together before I go on leave?.?

At work: We installed some DVC (digital video conferencing) equipment Sunday in our conference room, courtesy of the US Embassy Kuwait. This could be a real plus for AUK, both educationally and administratively, if used well. Yesterday, Chris and his students held another American Corner session ? this one on ?Understanding Islam ? What Americans Don?t Know.? Chris slogs along, trying to get these students to think critically ? small steps and worth the effort.