3 August 2007 – Friday

Yours truly is back in Kuwait, the land of hot, hot, hot! Official temperature is 48C or 118F !! Unofficial has been up to 53C or 127F ? yipes!!

I had an excellent leave. I began in June by attending the annual American Library Association conference – good to be amongst the chosen again and to see the continuous new technology developments. Post the conference, I headed home to Massachusetts where Terrie had begun the process of moving to our new house — we now live about 200 yards from our previous house. While home I gave two talks on “Life in Kuwait” – one at Simmons’ library school and one at the local Rotary Club – both went pretty well, I think – I trust I conveyed some of the complexity of life here and in the region – ‘complex’ is one heck of an understatement!!

All in all, it was a busy leave – got in some golf with ol’ friends, had dinner with Fulbright Board folks in Boston and enjoyed the greenery of home – not bad at all.