28 April 2007 ? Saturday

Yours truly had a quiet weekend. As usual, cleaned up the apartment Thursday morning ? cleaning to the music of Alissa (Lebanese) and the BeeGees ? talk about eclectic! I took Bill & Elaine Wadden out to Midas for some furniture shopping, then to the souk in Kuwait City ? Mubarakiyya. They really enjoyed the souk, and as you FOHers know, so do I. We finished the evening with Thai take-out food ? all very pleasant.

Yesterday, I took Marjorie out to Ikea. There is a new, huge mall now, called The Avenues. It is mostly the same shops as everywhere else, and it has attracted crowds ? lots of folks hanging out ? there are 3 Starbucks in this mall, plus two other coffee shops. Kuwait ? caffeinated ? oh, yeah!! In the evening, I shared pizza and a movie with Kurt & Abby. We watched a smalzy Disney movie about pack dogs in the Antarctic.

One of the challenges in working overseas is being able to deal with lots of ?quiet time.? Each person has to find her/his own rhythm, what they like to do ? read, write, shop, eat, whatever. Kuwait is pretty boring physically, so just wandering about has its limitations. There are still a few museums and crafts places that I have yet to find, so I?ll pursue these as the weather gets hotter and hotter.