As a conclusion to our blog, we thought it made sense to share information about ways to support efforts to bring lending libraries to Nicaragua, as well as the other projects we learned about during our fantastic trip. It is important to note that a little goes a long way in Nicaragua. Also, you can know that your support will be felt pretty immediately by the people who are served by these programs.

1. SAN JUAN DEL SUR BIBLIOTECA y PROYECTO MOVIL (Library and Mobile Book Project)
The Biblioteca Movil began in 2001 and now has over 5,000 registered users. The Proyecto Movil began in 2003 and now serves over 20 communities around San Juan del Sur. The bulk of our time was spent in San Juan, learning about and working with the Biblioteca and the Proyecto Movil. The librarians and the staff of the library and mobile project are so fantastic–to me it was a real “loaves and fishes” experience–out of seemingly so little, there was endless art, pageantry, posters, plays, dancing, reading, and learning, learning, learning.

Gifts of cash to support the library at San Juan are fully tax-deductible and make a big difference. In addition, your gifts will help support the spread of other lending libraries in Nicaragua. Jane Mirandette’s foundation–The HJH Libraries for All Program supports the San Juan Library, and also supports start-up needs of other fledgling libraries in Nicaragua (like Puedo Leer in Granada.)

To make your gift online, please visit:

Donations of books by U.S. Postal Service M-bag are also enthusiastically welcomed.

Please see further instructions on their web site:

Mailing Address in U.S.:
HJH Libraries for All Program
1716 Del Norte Blvd.
Loveland, CO 80538

Mailing Address in Nicaragua:
Apartado Postal 17
San Juan del Dur, Nicaragua


The Newton, MA / San Juan, Nicaragua Sister City Project is staffed entirely by volunteers. The project has funded schools, water purification systems, medical and dental outreach, eco-stoves, and the new bridge at Ostional that you read about in our blog. David Gullette, our colleague from Simmons College, is also the contact person for the Newton/San Juan Project. There are many opportunities to volunteer in San Juan with the project. Doctors, nurses, dentists and other health care professionals in particular will find contact information on the web site. Much needed financial contributions may be sent/made payable to :

“Newton/San Juan Sister City Project”
Fiora Houghteling, Treasurer
15 Bullough Park
Newton, MA 02460

3. PUEDO LEER, Granada, Nicaragua
Gifts to support Puedo Leer (school book project and lending library in Granada) can be made through a Pittsburg-based non-profit and NGO under whose aegis the library may apply for grants, etc. Indicate that your gift should support “Puedo Leer”, but please make your check payable to:
Building New Hope
5464 Upsal Place
Pittsburg, PA 15206
412. 241. 2542

If you would like to make a donation of books to the library, their greatest need right now is for books (all in Spanish) for kids about science, history and other educational topics. Textbooks are welcome. In addition, reference books for adults, such as the PDR, or dental, architectural, construction resources are needed.
You can mail your books by M-bag seamail (book rate) at the US Post Office to:
Helen Korengold
PO Box 47
Granada, Nicaragua (no zip code)

Wisconsin Nicaragua Partners falls under the aegis of the Partners of the Americas Project, which pairs states in the US with nations in Central America. More information can be found at
Two of their projects that we visited were the new library at Chinandega and the learning center and library at Tipitapa.

Wisconsin/Nicaragua Partners of the Americas, Inc.
Nelson Hall, Room 129
1209 Fremont Street
Stevens Point, Wisconsin 54481
Telephone: 715.346.4702
Fax: 715.346.4703
Email: [email protected]

Nicaragua Main Office
Nicaragua/Wisconsin Compa?eros de las Am?ricas, Inc.
Gallo y Villa Sur 1c. al lago, 1c. abajo
Managua, Nicaragua
Telephone: 505.268.7586
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]