Here is some background on the Kosovo project. Simmons GSLIS and the Institute for Training and Development (ITD) jointly conducted a 17-week training and academic program for nine Kosovars employed at the National and University Library of Kosovo. The dates of the program were August 21 to December 17, 2005. This program and the Kosovar participants? expenses were paid for by a grant from the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State.

The goal of the project was to familiarize the Kosovar participants to the policies and procedures of contemporary librarianship so that they may serve effectively as librarians in a new University Library Center at the University of Pristina in Kosovo. The participants will support the university curriculum and needed expertise in all aspects of university librarianship.

The major components of the stateside program were: academic classes at Simmons GSLIS in Boston and South Hadley, university library internships, visits to a variety of libraries and other relevant organizations, lectures and workshops at ITD, action planning, homestays with American families, and technical and cultural trips to Boston, New York City, and Washington DC. Each participant took courses in GSLIS.

The participants returned to Kosovo in December 2005. We are now following up on the training. My colleagues are all front-line, practicing librarians, expert in their fields, and I am looking forward to working with them.

Brian Kysela, Mount Holyoke College
[email protected]
Information technology, Linux, Apache, web development, WIN2003

Rebecca Henning, Amherst College
[email protected]
Cataloging, ALEPH systems training, technical services workflow

Pam Skinner, Smith College
[email protected]
Reference, electronic resources, reserves

Our time in Kosovo will be comparatively short, especially compared to what needs to be done. Brian, Rebecca, and Pam will be in Kosovo from Monday through Saturday, July 31 ? August 5. I will remain until August 8. Our goals are to work with the participants on specific services in the library. The rollout date for the University of Pristina Library Center is October 2006. Even with such a short time frame, we are optimistic and look forward to success. We especially look forward to meeting with the Kosovar librarians again.

Terry Plum