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Note of courtship
A type written letter from a suitor to Betty.

Caption: Written Sunday afternoon, too. What a man! I'll bet it took Freddy and a dozen of his cronies most of the nite to write this. Would like to catch a glimpse of this Page man - would also like to know what it's all about. That good learning and wholesome ideals business certainly betrays the author.
Ticket stub from Park Theatre
A ticket stub from the Park Theatre. The show was burlesque.

Caption: What a flop this was! We would have done better to have gone to "Little Women"
A cover from a book of matches. It was a remnant from an evening out.

Caption: This was really the best part of the evening.
Park Theatre program
A theater program from the Park Theatre. The show was burlesque.

Caption: Billy Minsky's famous burlesque - Oh, yeah!