2nd Annual Metadatathon

We are so excited to be hosted our 2nd Annual Metadatathon this year on Friday April 21st!


This year, teams will create classification systems for different types of games. Challenging SLIS students to come up with an appropriate metadata solution or strategy to classify different types of games, this year promises to bring fun to the metadata newbie and metadata wizard alike. In the tradition of last year, we will again be offering prizes for the team with the clearest and most comprehensive system!

We are also thrilled to have the talented and witty Candy Schwartz as our keynote speaker for this event. To learn more about her, you can find a brief biography here: https://www.simmons.edu/Faculty/Candy-Schwartz

How Does this work?

Participants will be divided into teams of three to four people and given a game-based data set. They will have three hours to develop a metadata solution for their game-based data set. During this time, teams may disperse throughout campus and are free to use available electronic and print resources. At the end of the three hours, each team must submit documentation of its solution to the SMIL judges. There will be a half hour dinner break before the reception to allow the judges to review the submissions, during which time teams should prepare to present their solutions. At the end of the presentations, the judges will announce the winning team and present them with prizes.

What’s the schedule?

12:30-1:15pm: Welcome, introduction to the day, and keynote speaker Candy Schwartz

1:15-1:30pm: Team assignment and challenge explained

1:30-3:30pm: Teams work on solution

3:30-4:00pm: Break

4:00-5:00pm: Teams apply solution, compare and contrast

5:00-6:00pm: Celebration, aware of prizes, and reception

Hope to see you there

We will keep this page updated with the results and we hope to see you there. If you are SLIS student that wants to register, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2nd-annual-metadatathon-tickets-32825084712


Spring 2016 datathon a success!


A big thank you to all who came to SMIL’s first event: the Solve for X Datathon, which was held on April 15th. Thanks also to keynote speaker Kate Bowers, who gave a fantastic talk. Finally, congratulations to the students on the winning team!


Have a great summer, and stay tuned for next year’s event!